Sunday, January 17, 2010


I have been experimenting with a lot of different things lately and taking the time to make handmade things. Here are a couple things I have done that were really fun.

For Christmas I made homemade chocolate-covered marshmallows. You can make them plain or chocolate-covered, whichever you like. I made both, and they were really good.

Every day when I have to go to work, I drive through an alleyway which is usually loaded with thing people have thrown out. One day I saw this white wicker lamp shade and thought it would look great in our living room. We had to cut a small piece of metal on the inside so that we could get the cord through, but it turned out great! We hung it up last night above our table. Now we can see!

1 comment:

Josh&Kris said...

Love the lamp! Way to get crafty! I've been addicted to crafting/repurposing blogs lately.. Oh, and Jake would totally love those marshmallows.. he is obsessed with marshmallows.. I might have to try out that recipe sometime! (Seriously, the kid will do anything for a measly marshmallow!)