Monday, November 26, 2007

Crossword Puzzles

Does anybody else do crossword puzzles? I don't know if I've ever completed one yet. This morning I was only missing about 7 letters, but they always throw in one word that's from some other language or some actor from the 1920's or something.

I've been doing them almost every day since I saw the documentary called wordplay on Independent Lens on PBS. I guess Jon Stewart and Bill Clinton, along with a lot of other people do the crossword every day. I wouldn't be surprised if the current president does crossword puzzles too. They'd be easier for him though because he can just make up his own words.


Dane said...

the ones in newspapers are always pretty tough but I do enjoy doing them.

Anonymous said...

I do them all the time... and like you there is always a few I can't get. That's when resorting to happens. :) It's kind of cheating, but at least you get the happiness of a complete crossword puzzle, right?

nokomis said...

oh... you were making fun of the president weren't you? that was good. do you write your own stuff? that was fresh.

I started doing crossword puzzles about a year ago and I think that the best part is having tandem puzzles. Work on it for an hour, then give it to another person, then they give it back after they've spent an hour on it. It's amazing the random things your friends know.