Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Decemberists & the West

Hi. I have been listening to The Crane Wife by the Decemberists nonstop lately. It is sooo good. I've heard the band a number of times on Radio Paradise, in the Humble Bean and maybe other places that play good music... but never really given them a chance. After hearing the song "The Island" on Threadless I decided to get the CD with some early Christmas money from Target (Thanks, Josh & Kris). What really got me interested is that "The Island" has a part that sounds so much like it could be Pink Floyd that it's almost creepy... almost. The rest of the CD doesn't have as much resemblance to Pink Floyd, but the whole album is really good. Check this one out for sure (most people probably have months ago... what can I say... I'm a little out of the loop).

By the way, Threadless is having a $10 sale. Good stuff. Use the link on this page to get there.

For Broadcast Production class we have what the instructor calls "Favorite Film Fridays" every other week. Instead of covering regular classroom material we present our favorite movie. That is, we give a brief PowerPoint about the cast/crew/production/whatever... show 5-10 minutes of the movie... and then talk about it. It is my turn this week. I am going to show the first scene from "Once Upon a Time in the West" directed by Sergio Leone. I think it is probably my alltime favorite movie. Nobody in the class has ever heard of it, let alone seen it. What a pity!


jack. said...

how is that class? i took it when ronjohn taught it, then i was the assistant for it the next time it happened.

Sam and Darcie Gutierrez said...

I had Carmela play "the Falalattes" the other day in the Bean. It was AWESOME!

Andrew said...

Have you seen "Once Upon a Time in America"? It's supposed to be really amazing but personally I don't think it holds a candle to Leone's westerns. Just curious about your opinion

Reuben Sinnema said...

Love Raab...Love.

Anonymous said...

I like films and I like you. Keep sharing the love and Celebrating... Over and Out with a Peace Out

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I like the new Decemberists CD as much as their other stuff. Their sound has changed quite a bit on some songs and I'm still kinda deciding if I like his voice to new styles.

Anonymous said...

the new album is way better... i always used to get headaches from his voice w/ the old albums after listening to them... but Crane doesn't do that. you're right though in saying it's way different. why do bands do that?