Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Maisy Blue Blonnet

Here is the newest resident at the Roost - Maisy Blue Bonnet. Her job is to fertilize the garden and to look cute. She lives in a little bunny hutch between the garage and the soon-to-be chicken coop. She came to us from a farm near Doon, and we are glad to have her. She is about 7 years old and has soft brown and gray fur. She really enjoys a good carrot now and then.

I hope you can all meet her someday! She is a real joy!

*FYI - So far all of our animals have a first and middle name. The first names are picked in order to complete the middle part of the alphabet (L M N O P) and the middle names need to have a color reference.

Maisy Blue Bonnet
Neko Violet
Ollie Redford

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is adorable! I can't wait to see her! Sawyer LOVES bunnies too!