Tuesday, August 21, 2007

It's about time...

Anybody else excited for these?

Even if one's a remake and one's based on a book, it's about time for another western or two.


Anonymous said...

As one famous geico caveman would say..."what?!?" Are these going straight to video or are they going to the big screen?

Josh&Kris said...

Rob here is a must see movie...Hot Fuzz...Right up your alley...it was great!

Reido Bandito said...

I'm looking forward to the Assassination... Not so much the other one, but that could be because I've actually been to Yuma, or as my friends and I would call it, "The Gateway to Hades."

Kathlyn D said...

rob and meg! I am here now and moving into my apartment on saturday. I would love to see some faces I recognize!
Email me when you have time...

r.c.f. said...

the jesse james one looks good...i hadn't heard of it until now. good talking with you guys this weekend.

Anonymous said...

I just saw 3:10 to Yuma. I enjoyed it. I saw it in Alamogordo, New Mexico as I was driving back to Tucson. A line in the movie was "have you ever been to Dodge City?", and I'd just driven through Dodge City that morning. Amazing. I don't think Yuma is the gateway to Hades because west after Yuma it gets better. There is a cult's housing compound right along the freeway somewhere around there. Maybe that's what Reid was refering to. Unless you're driving east, then Yuma being the gateway to Hades would also make sense because west AZ is very empty and hot. Or else Yuma is Hades. I have been to the old prison in Yuma where Ben Wade was presumably going. And I've been to Benson too! Benson doesn't look anything like the one in the movie. It's in a steep valley with the houses all built up on steep slopes. Lots of hippies too, but that's now.

me said...

we saw 3:10 on sat night and enjoyed it! p.s. i've never read your blog before but here i am now!